Pastor's Column for April 29, 2018

Last Saturday I celebrated the funeral Mass for Marie Sidor who was married to her husband John for 71 years. The two of them lived at Mount Alverna in rooms that were side by side. I first met Marie & John 2 years ago and have since anointed Marie a couple of times, as did Fr. Vesely just a few days before she died. She and John had two sons, Jack & Dr. Tim Sidor who were raised in our parish and we extend our sympathy to them and to the grandchildren. Pray not only for Marie but for her husband John as well.

Last Monday we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial for Pal Kis whom I anointed the previous week. I also prayed the last rites for him with two of his daughters. He was with those who loved him when he passed away at the age of 87. Pal had many children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even 5 great-great grandchildren. We ask the Risen Lord to welcome him and all those who have died into his prom- ised kingdom.

We also prayed for Rickey Aldridge on that same Monday as we entrusted him to God during his funeral Mass. His brother-in-law Deacon Gerry Scopilliti preached at the Mass and offered prayers at the wake and cemetery. We extend our sympathy to Rickey’s wife Tina and to their children, Rickey and Monica. May he live forever with the Lord.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the numerous holes we have to maneuver around in the parking lot. It seems that this past winter really did a job on it. I have already met with Advanced Paving and contracted for them to repair both parking lots and patch some of the smaller holes but the work cannot be done until the beginning of summer so please drive slowly and carefully and thank you again for your contributions to the Capital Improvements envelope which helps us to pay for these expensive annual repairs.

I also want to thank those who take advantage of their employer’s matching contribution program. It doubles what they are able to contribute and is a big help to us. Does your employer offer something like this? Why not inquire & see if you can take advantage of this if offered at your place of em- ployment?

Next Saturday, May 5th, the second grade students of our parish will be receiving their First Holy Communion at the 4pm Mass. This will be the third sacrament they will have received and we are so happy to celebrate this special occasion with them. It means that they can now join us at the Table of the Lord. Pray that they may receive this great gift weekly, following the example of their parents.