Pastor's Blog for August 9, 2020

Alexandra Plech was the mother-in-law of parishioner Sophie Plech and I celebrated a funeral service for her on Friday, July 31st. She had an interesting story as she was born in Russian, married in Germany where she had 2 children, moved to Belgium and finally arrived in the United States which she called home for the rest of her life. She was 93 and lived on her own to the very end. We pray that she may now rest in God’s peace.

Fr. Vesely certainly misses the people of St. Leo’s and I’m sure is very anxious for life to return to normal as he has had to suffer the limitations that COVID-19 impose at places like Mount Alverna. We continue to remember him in prayer and all those who like him are finding the harsh realities of nursing home or assisted living hard to endure. We pray for their health and well-being. Happy belated birthday to his sister Mildred Ancin (August 6th) as well.

Congratulations to Dr. Andy Grubic & Sara Schirripa who are getting married next Saturday, August 15th. They are both in the medical profession so we pray they may remain healthy and we thank them for their courage while working in this field during this pandemic. 

Though August 15th is normally a holy day of obligation as we celebrate the feast of the Assumption that day, but this year it falls on a Saturday and there is still no obligation to attend Mass anyway during this time. I am so disappointed that the feast in Little Italy will not take place this year. It is a annual event for me as I walk up & down the street sampling the wonderful Italian fare and bringing home several containers of cavatelli, meatballs, cookies & pizza to store up for our months in hibernation during the winter. We are seeing the cancellation of so many of our usual summer events and activities due to the pandemic and yet its precisely these things that help us to cope during such difficult times. I’m not anxious for 2020 to be over with but of course we hope and pray that the pandemic will soon come to an end as it has taken the lives of so many people and has imposed many hardships on the lives of many more across our city, country & world. May our faith help us during these troubling times. 

As you are aware there have been no missals (Breaking Bread) in the pews since we have returned to our public liturgies again. But we have an annual subscription to these which are replaced at the beginning of every new liturgical year which begins with the first Sunday of Advent. So we’re taking the 2020 books out of their holders and placing them on tables by the front doors of the church where you enter and leave for Mass. You are welcome to take one or more of these home with you to keep. If you like to read along as the Scriptures are proclaimed at Mass, you can bring it back with you every week but please be sure to take it back home with you again as any missals that are left behind in the pews will need to be disposed of.

Richard Czech will be the new Parish Community Center Coordinator. Again we thank Mina Roland for the great job she did in this position over the last few years. We are continuing to rent that space for parties and other gatherings though with a smaller maximum capacity. Feel free to call the rectory for more information.