Monday, March 23rd: Concerning the Ohio Stay at Home Order: Rectory & Church Closed

I suspect we all knew it was coming…a shutdown of sorts either for the country or for the state.

Since Gov. Mike DeWine issued an order yesterday for Ohioans to stay home and avoid non-essential businesses (though we don’t believe that the Church is a non-essential business!), of course we want to comply as a Diocese and as a parish for the health of all people.

As a result, our rectory office and our church/chapel will be closed until at least April 6th.

It’s been quite a morning already as I have met with rectory staff and as I had a video conference with our Principal and all Parish School teachers. Here’s the message we want to get out to you: that though our doors must be closed, our hearts remain open to you during this time. Please feel free to leave a voicemail message in the rectory or for me personally if there is something we can do for you or a question we can answer for you. Once you hear the voicemail greeting, you can dial one of these extensions to go directly to that staff person’s voicemail, and they will return the call as soon as they can (but please be patient as they will be working from home). If you don’t choose an extension, it will put you in the rectory office voicemail box.

  • Office Manger, Mary Lou Hauck, ext. 100 or press 1

  • Fr. Schmitz, ext. 105 or press 2

  • Business Manager, Brenda Basalla, ext. 103

  • Deacon Pat & Joan Berigan, ext. 102

  • Principal, Denise Burns, ext. 205

  • School Secretary, Eileen Breitmeyer, ex. 200

  • Tuition Manager, Cindy Funari, ext. 203

Once again we encourage you to check here often for the latest news though I suspect there won’t be too much to report once the Stay at Home order begins at midnight today. But I’ll do my best to keep the information helpful and relevant.

Please know of my prayers for you daily and please join me in reaching out especially to the elderly and the infirm. We pray for all those affected by this virus in any way and ask Mary, Health of the Sick, to intercede for us.

Fr. James Schmitz, Pastor