Pastor's Column

     Our sympathies are extended to Ken & Carol Herron on the sudden illness and death of their son, Dale. Ken is one of our adult Altar Servers for funerals & is currently undergoing chemo treatments. He and his wife are faith-filled and loving people who need our prayerful support at this time. So we remember Dale along with all of the deceased members of the parish especially during this month of November. 

    Pray too for Debbie Bunosky, wife of Mark & daughter-in-law of Rich & Eva Bunosky. Debbie is recovering from a stroke & so needs the Lord’s healing. Jack Habrat continues to make steady progress and we are so happy for his wife Marge who has been at his side since his heart attack. Keep these and all our ill parishioners in prayer, especially Linda, Carol, Donna, Rich, Bob, Walter, Doris, Leonard, and Dale. 

    Our parishioner Angelo Calvillo was recently named interim Fire Chief for the city of Cleveland. As a parish, we are proud of our history of having so many parishioners who are firefighters or on the police force. Angelo & his wife Marie are faithful parishioners who are often seen at daily Mass. May God bless Angelo & all our parishioners who risk their lives for the public’s safety. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for them. 

    I meant to mention last weekend when a seminarian shared his faith & vocation story with us that Cleveland has the most native born seminarians in the United States...the largest number of ordained men who have been raised in their own diocese. That is something to be proud of and our Presbyterate (the priests of our Diocese) is known for its sense of fraternity. Ask the Lord to keep us supportive of each other that we may be strengthened in our service to you.

    Congratulations to Michael Lahiff (of St. Leo the Great) & Hannah Gaffney who are being wedded this weekend at St. James in Lakewood. As I celebrate their wedding, I look forward to Michael’s brother’s wedding here at St. Leo’s in 6 months. May God make them all witnesses to his divine love in the world. 

    November is a time for special celebrations: the feast of All Saints & All Souls, Thanksgiving, and most especially, the birthday of Father Vesely which is this Sunday, November 8th. He is not only the official pet-scratcher here in the rectory but Michaela’s favorite table guest as she makes sure that nothing is left on his plate! (She recently weighed in at 16 pounds…how long until the lenten fast?). But back to Father Vesely, we wish him a happy 87th Birthday & promise to feed him well with cake & ice-cream…and he doesn’t even have to beg.