Pastor's Column for September 26, 2021

I have been requested to reserve the first pews on each center aisle for those who are elderly or handicapped in addition to the first two pews closest to the front doors of the church. These pews now have the same cushions that match the other pews that are currently reserved so they stand out as being reserved. Maybe some day we can get cushions for all the pews in the church to give you at least a little bit of relief during those long homilies. At any rate, we will bring Holy Communion to those in these first pews as we do to the others during both weekend and weekday Mass.
Thanks to John & Jeanne Sabol who have changed the archives display in the vestibule of the church with a series of photos about the visit of the Cleveland Browns to our school in 1987. It’s always interesting to see these highlights from years past.
I understand that someone has been placing political flyers on the cars in the parking lot during Mass on the weekend. We never give anyone permission to do this and it is done without our knowledge. If you happen to see anyone doing this, please let us know so that we can make it clear that this is not acceptable to us.
For centuries, people have asked the priests who celebrate Mass to pray in a special way for a particular person(s), living or deceased, or for a special intention. We have just opened up our Mass calendar for these intentions to be scheduled for the following 12 months, however we need to cut back on the number of Mass intentions an individual may request since we need to reserve some days for when I am on vacation or retreat or am not able to celebrate Mass due a scheduling conflict. So you may request one weekend Mass and one weekday Masses during the next year, but please note that we may need to reschedule an intention from time to time. The pastor is also obliged by canon law to offer one weekend Mass “Pro Populo” or for all the people of the parish so this also limits our weekend intentions. Thank you for your understanding.
Those who have lost a loved one are invited to join others in sharing their concerns, feelings & struggles as they face this challenging situation. These bereavement group meetings are from 2:00pm until 3:30pm in the Parish Center on the first Wednesday of each month. There are both men & women who attend. If you have any questions, please call Joan Berigan at the rectory office.
We received the sad news this past week that Bishop Anthony Pilla, Bishop emeritus of the Cleveland Diocese, died in his sleep at the age of 88. He was a holy priest and one loved by clergy and laity alike. He ordained me 35 years ago & so I am especially saddened by his absence among us. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced but let us pray for him as he did with and for us during his 25 year term as Bishop of Cleveland and in his retirement.
This Sunday, September 26th, is Michaela’s 9th birthday. That would make her 63 in human years, two years older than myself! But while she can still jump onto the bed (most of the time…the knees are starting to give way), I sit up & get out of the bed with aches in my back & less strength in my legs. We both still beg for treats and we both bark at people who annoy us. But she’s still more willing to go on long walks & quite capable at her job of protecting the property from all enemies, foreign & domestic. Hopefully you’ll see the new hair cut she got for her birthday…be sure to compliment her on that as girls really like us to notice.