Our New Guide Book & Directory

Look in your mailbox for our new Guide Book & Directory. They should be arriving in the coming week.

The advertisers helped provide this service at no cost to our congregation. We encourage you to think of them in the future as your needs arise. If you are interested in advertising next year, contact amandavogt@guidebookpublishing.com for more information. 

Please familiarize yourself with the ministries and organizations at our church located in the front of the book. New this year, is an electronic PDF version of the Guide Section of the book which you can download to your computer, smart phone, or tablet at your convenience. 

To download the Online Guide Section:

  1. Visit www.GuideBookPublishing.com/booklist.php 
  2. Click on our state followed by our city
  3. Click on the name of our congregation to download the book