Pastor's Column for June 20, 2021

We express our sympathy to Joseph, the only son of Ann Vidovic, whose funeral Mass we celebrated here last Week. Ann was a faithful Catholic her whole life and attended Mass & prayed the rosary regularly. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy was prayed for her while she was dying and we trust that the mercy of Christ will indeed be with her and all those who have gone before us in death. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace.

We don’t have too many big projects this summer though we are looking into better signs for our buildings, but there are many (expensive) options out there & I want everything to enhance and not distract from the appearance of our property. While looking for a company to install some new windows in the school building, we learned that while many of the restrictions of COVID are behind us, it continues to reek havoc on supplies & materials & the ability to get things done. But we will take it as it comes & see how it works out for us. One thing we can always count on though is the generosity of the Rosby family who once again this year donated mulch to us (a lot of it!) and it looks great as it really enhances the looks of our property so thanks again to them! The landscaping of the church looks especially good this year as you may remember that last year we had a landscaper who did a lot of work planning and planting and we are now seeing the fruits of that work. As the gospel reminded us last week, we plant the seeds but God does all the work underground so thanks be to God for the beauty of his handiwork. But we also thank Debbie McGiver who has done such a great job with our landscaping and who continues to make sure that our property is something we can enjoy during these summer months.

On occasion I notice that someone who is not familiar with our Catholic faith, especially our beliefs regarding the holy Eucharist, take the host offered to them at Holy Communion and does not consume it. We have even found what we believe to be consecrated hosts on the floor or some other place in the church. Of course I trust this is done due to naïveté but as we believe that the consecrated host has become the real and sacred Body of Christ, we want to guard against this behavior at all costs. When I or a Eucharistic minister notices that someone has not put the host in their mouth after receiving it, we will do our best to reach out to them immediately & ask them nicely to please consume the host or give it back to us. However we may not always see someone walking away without consuming the host first so if this is something you see, please say something to them nicely & ask them to put the host in their mouth or to give it to you so that we in turn can dispose of it properly.

We are very interested in re-opening our Parish Center again for people to rent for various occasions, though parish use always takes precedence. However we are in need of a coordinator who can schedule events, answer questions for people interested in renting the space, etc. If you are interested in this paid position, please let me know or ask them to get in touch with me. We already have several people interested in using this space and we want to make it available to people as soon as possible.
Happy Father’s Day to all of those whom we look up to as a father-figure. May you reveal to us the love and dignity of our Heavenly Father as you imitate him in your life.