Pastor's Column for March 7, 2021

I extend our parochial sympathy to Sharon Strodtbeck and to her 4 children on the passing of her husband and their father Neal or “Nique” as he was known to many. I met Neal a few years back when he was asked to be a Confirmation sponsor for his grandson, also named Neal. He shared with me his faith and how he enjoyed reading the Old Testament and listened to people talk about the Bible. So at his funeral Mass I expressed the hope that he read from the Old Testament book of Wisdom, a popular passage that his wife chose for his funeral wherein the scriptures say, “The souls of the just are in the hand of God...and they are in peace.” Neal has a connection with my family because he is my brother-in-law’s uncle. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to know & visit with him and his wife Sharon. May they both be filled with peace.

And here we are into March, a month that I welcome even though we’re never sure if it will really enter like a lion and exit like a lamb. So far it seemed to enter like a lamb so let’s hope it goes out the same way. The weather seems to be warming up and we are seeing the melting of the white stuff so let’s hope the trend continues until we see the sun more than part-time.

Congratulations to the parents of Dominic Hunter who will be baptized this Saturday. May they express their gratitude to God by raising him in the practice of the faith, which is also God’s gift to us. 

This Monday, March 8th, we will have our 3rd Zoom meeting, open to all parishioners, where we continue our discussion of the book, “Forming Intentional Disciples.” I’ve spoken in homilies about this book which I read last year and which stresses the importance of being raised in the Catholic Faith not just through cultural norms like receiving the sacraments and getting a religious education, but of developing a personal relationship with the Lord who invites us into friendship. It is a surprising and sad fact that so many Catholics were not taught this all-important dimension of faith, much to the neglect of Church leaders like myself. Instead we so focused on the rules of religion (all of which are still important and necessary) without the underlying foundation of knowing the Lord personally and experiencing his love. That’s what this book (and our discussion) is all about. You need not have read the book (though it’s free for anyone who would like one...just contact the rectory office), nor do you need to have followed our discussion from the beginning. Just join us, either live Monday evening from 6:30-7:30pm or watch it any time on demand based on your schedule and convenience. All you need to do to join us is go to our website and click the link. You do not need to be familiar with Zoom at all if you’re just going to watch the video on demand..again, just click the link on our website after the discussion has taken place. Deacon Pat and Joan & I are doing what we can to encourage and nurture your relationship with the Lord so that you may know what we continue to experience each day: the joy of knowing we are loved, forgiven and guided in every moment of our lives.