Pastor's Blog for July 7, 2019

My hope is that the roof is done by the time you are reading this. It all depends on the weather but it will be nice to have that major project behind us (actually it’s above us but you know what I mean). The next step is to repair the large hole in the ceiling of the sanctuary now that the leak has been fixed in the bell tower roof.

We’ll be having sections of both parking lotspatched again this summer and this should mean that both lots just need to be maintained from now on as over the last few years we took care of the places where it was cracked & where it developed pot holes. Again it will be good to know we are caught up on this.

Other summer projects include repairing the stonesthat support our large sign in front of Lux Hall, painting the sandstone of different colors (blue, white, brown) behind the cross on Lux Hall with one color to blend in with the surrounding brick, replacing the floor in the junior high hallway, and installing new windows in the living room and office area of the rectory. We have been replacing some rectory windows each year but this will complete that project so that all windows in the building have been replaced. All in all, our property and buildings are in very good shape. Better landscaping is the goal for next summer.

Finally the design for the replacement of theconfessions in the back of the church into shrines has been completed so I hope for that to start soon (it will take about 10-12 weeks). We should be getting our baptismal font back very soon.

Thanks again for your donations to our capitalimprovements fund which allows us to complete all these projects and maintain the buildings & grounds of St. Leo’s.

I’ll be celebrating my Dad’s 92nd birthday this week along with my siblings and stepmother and I’m glad for that happy celebration because sadly it was 20 years ago this past week that my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer. She lived for 2 years following that diagnosis but it came as a big shock to us. Of course I think of her every time I pray at Mass, “Remember our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy: welcome them into the light of your face.” I know you think of your deceased loved ones during this prayer as well. But we continue to give thanks for those still with us today and ask God’s blessings on them for good health and happiness.