Pastor's Blog for January 13, 2019

I met with our former Principal Sister Erin last weekand she gave me a tour of Cleveland Central Catholic High School where she is now Vice-Principal. It is on the campus of St. Stanislaus, but I wasn’t able to go into the church as it was locked, but hope to see the inside sometime because the outside of the building is beautiful. Sister Erin asked me to send her greetings to all of you. She is doing very well there and really enjoys her ministry to the high school students. Please keep her in your prayers.

All parishes received a letter from Bishop Perez regarding the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry in the Diocese, which as you know is very active here at St. Leo’s. He writes: “I remain grateful for the wonderful work the St. Vincent de Paul Society does in so many parishes to help those most in need. Through our common efforts, we faithfully respond to Christ's invitation to feed, love and tend His sheep. Thank you for all you do to attend to our brothers and sisters who are most in need. Your kindness, charity, love and respect for them manifests the Incarnation of Christ in a very real way.”So let me echo his words and take this opportunity to thank all of you for your generosity to this ministry at our parish, either through food or money donations, and let me thank especially those who work collecting the food, putting it in bags & dispensing it to those who come to us. They work behind the scenes but I want you all to know how much they do. Thanks to each of them!

I would also like to encourage your participation in our Gift Card Program. You can purchase gift cards for everyday purchases, gifts or as a simple thank you. The cards are available for purchase in the Rectory Office or at the Information Desk in the vestibule of the church after Mass. Your purchases are an excellent, easy and convenient way to help support our Parish.

I had my first appointment with the surgeon on January 4th. I have great confidence in him. He gave me the choice of having the surgery done at St. John Medical Center (formerly St. John Westshore) in Westlake or at the Main Campus of University Hospital in downtown Cleveland. I chose the former as it’s small and is a Catholic Hospital. The surgery will be on February 25th, which means I can take my planned vacation to Florida at the beginning of February.

I’m so grateful for the prayers and support & know it will help a lot in my healing. My thoughts turn especially to the ill members of our parish as I ask your prayers for them. May St. Peregrine, patron of cancer patients, pray for us.