Pastor's Column

     Congratulations to the parents of Samuel Otto and Ava & Christopher Casey who are being baptized this weekend. May they be true to their promise to raise these children in the practice of the Faith. 

    We also congratulate Caitlin Soucek (St. Leo) & Todd Kacher who were married this Saturday in our church. Caitlin worked as a receptionist in our rectory office a number of years ago and both she and Todd are active in the practice of their Faith, especially serving as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. May their married life be long and fruitful.

    And a final word of congratulations to Doris Aigner-Copfer, mother of parishioner Shelley Aigner. Doris is a delightful woman who unfortunately has been ill and under the care of Hospice. But when I went to visit her, she asked if she could become Catholic. She was baptized many years ago in another Christian Tradition, so after she made a Profession of Faith, she received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist and is now a Catholic. What a joyful experience for her and for us. Pray for her that she may know of God’s loving presence with her especially in her illness. 

    I’m sad to say that we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial this past Tuesday for Sandy Chichil who was not only a member of our parish who also worked in the rectory office as one of our receptionists. Sandy always greeted people with a smile and a helpful disposition and we have missed her during these past few months while she was hospitalized. She died too young but her life was very meaningful to those she touched. May she know now the joy of the resurrection.

    I want to welcome Mickey Stitt as the new Director of Music at St. Leo’s. You know Mickey from when she was an Associate Musician here but due to the weather and the long distance she had to travel, she has not been able to be a part of our music ministry for several months except for when she would play at funerals. Now that she lives much closer, she has accepted the invitation as Music Director and will bring on an Associate Musician who can assist with two of the weekend Masses as well as assist with directing the choir. We are grateful for all Mike Caraffi did for our music ministry and wish him well in the new responsibilities which come with his promotion at PNC Bank. Until we secure an Associate Musician however, we’ll be singing a cappella (without accompaniment) at the 8am Mass. Fr. Vesely will do better at this than I, but just remember, the louder you sing, the less you can hear ME sing.