Pastor's Column, October 26, 2014


There are some people I want to welcome & some I want to say goodbye to this weekend.  First, we welcome some members of the Order of Alhambra who will be at the doors of the church willing to take (but not ask for) donations which benefit the mentally handicapped. Any spare change you may have on you that you can offer them would be appreciated. I also want to welcome Cherise Pacanovsky home from a 3 month stay in the hospital. Cherise is one of our Preschool teachers and her smiles and energy and sincere concern for the children is very much missed. Please continue to keep her in prayer during this time of slow recovery. Remember to pray for the sick whose names are in the bulletin, especially for Jim Roush whom I met & anointed this past week (and who will be coming home soon) and for the mother of Janet Regal whom I also anointed this past week. Lastly we welcome Joshua Trefney, a seminarian who will speak for a couple minutes after Communion.

Now for a couple of goodbyes…we are sad to see any parishioner move away from the parish, but in particular I want to mention Mrs. Rose Pelley who has been a member of the parish for over 60 years! She is now living with her daughter in Pennsylvania and she will certainly be missed. In the very short time I’ve known her, she has touched me with her serene smile and always pleasant disposition. She promised she would keep up on St. Leo’s by reading the bulletin on our website and I promised her our thoughts & prayers. 

Our Music Associate, Mickey Stitt, will be with us this weekend but will not be playing at weekend Masses until the Spring due to the long ride from West Salem in the winter. If you want her back sooner, pray that her house sells so that she can move closer to her daughter & to us. We look forward to seeing her again when the snow melts (I know I shouldn’t even mention that 4-letter word!). 

Next weekend I would like to meet with all the Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers for a few minutes to review procedures we went over in the spring. I’ll meet with them after each Mass next weekend so if you can spare a few minutes, that would be appreciated. We’ll have notes available for those who can’t make it. 

Finally, this is Priesthood Sunday. Pictures of our former Pastors are displayed so that we can remember them all. Those who are deceased have a vigil candle near their pictures. Let us pray for them and thank God for their service at St. Leo’s.