St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for March 31, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

To all who are with us today, whether parishioners or visitors, we welcome you and thank you for joining us as we celebrate this greatest of all feasts, the Resurrection of our Lord. Nothing is more important to the faith of a follower of Jesus than what we have reflected on during this past week…the suffering, death and rising of Jesus. What Christ has done for us has to do with our eternal salvation, so what could possibly be more important? Today, let us joyfully praise God for all He has done for us, especially through the Passion & Resurrection of His Son.

The climax of our liturgies is the Easter Vigil which takes place on the night before Easter Day. This is not only a celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection, but a time for us to Baptize, Confirm and give the Holy Eucharist to those who desire a participation in the life of Jesus and a place in the Church. We are blessed this year to welcome three people into our Catholic Family: Phillip Rogers, Debra (Debbie) Bunosky, and Leslie Bierschwal. All three have been meeting with Deacon Pat and Joan Berigan over the last few months to prepare themselves for these three Sacraments of Initiation which are celebrated at the Easter Vigil. We will have their pictures and a little bit about each of them in next week’s bulletin. Thousands throughout the world are being washed clean at the Easter Vigil through baptism, anointed with the Spirit and fed with the Holy Eucharist. So they join this great crowd of new members of the Church as we celebrate their new life in Christ here at St. Leo the Great. It’s important for you to know that each of them were influenced strongly to consider becoming Catholic through the people in their lives, their family members especially, who have lived lives of faith and who have given them an example of what it means to be a faithful follower of Christ. What a gift it is when God uses us to witness, to inspire, to draw others to possess what we already possess ourselves! May we all continue to give an example of faith to others that God may use us to draw them to Himself.

I also want to congratulate Daulton Dehil, a young man who was confirmed this past Wednesday during the 8:30am Mass. May the unique gift of the Holy Spirit allow him to also be a witness for Christ. And allow me to take this opportunity to invite anyone who was baptized but not confirmed to let us know that you would like to complete your Christian Initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Deacon Pat & Joan Berigan are able to work with you individually according to your needs and schedule to prepare you to receive this Sacrament. Just reach out to us to let us know that you would like to be confirmed & we will help you with that.

I am grateful to all those who made Lent & Holy Week a time for our community to come together for communal support and for liturgical prayer: those who worked at our delicious Fish Fry’s, those who prepared the church for all our liturgical services, those who provided music and who used their time and gifts to help us all to pray…ushers, altar servers, lectors, eucharistic ministers and sacristans. You all are needed and appreciated for all you do!

Let me also thank Father Felipe Gonzalez for his help with Mass and confessions during his time here at St. Leo’s (he and the seminarians, Tim & Angelo, will continue to be with us at least until July). Many of you will remember the Neocatechumenal talks that they gave here last year. They asked if they could speak again at our parish and of course they have my full support in doing this. They will speak at all the Masses on April 13th & 14th, and will speak about the Christian faith on Tuesdays & Fridays in April & May. More information can be found in this bulletin. You are of course, welcome to attend again even if you did so last year.

Fr. James P. Schmitz