St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for September 10, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

I had a meeting with about 20 people last Sunday about our trip to Italy in 2025. I want to keep you abreast of what we’re looking at in case you are interested in joining us as it seems we will have a good sized group again and last time some were left out because of space issues (which should not be an issue this time as we are planning farther ahead). We’re looking at March 17-25, 2025 but that is not set in stone by any means. Our goal is to make this a more relaxing trip and one that tends to focus more on some places south of Rome (including Rome itself of course). By all means feel free to let me know if you’re interested (no commitment required) just so I can keep you in the loop.

This weekend Jack Wunderle will be available in the vestibule of the church again before and after Mass to take pictures. I strongly encourage you to have your picture taken, whether you are single or married. No need to dress up for the occasion. We want to create a mural or collage of parishioner’s as we celebrate our 75th Parish Anniversary. Of course you are welcome to purchase copies (of various sizes) at very reasonable cost but that is totally optional. However you will receive a free 5x7 picture in gratitude for your participation. So please stop back there this weekend and let your beauty be recorded for history.

This weekend also kicks off our Faith Formation for 2023- 2024. All those who do not attend a Catholic School can receive their religious education by their presence at these sessions which take place 3 Sundays out of month. These Sunday Sessions are also for those in 2nd grade who are preparing for their First Holy Communion and those in 8th grade who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We received very good feedback from those who participated last year and I was very happy with the faithfulness of those who attended the Sessions and then 11am Mass afterward. Please feel free to reach out to me or call the rectory if you have questions.

Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life after the tragedy of divorce is an area that can impact a person’s relationship with God and the Church. One of the significant issues that a person faces is their place in the Church. Does the Church still care about me even though I am divorced? Am I allowed to go to Mass? Can I receive communion? How can the Church help me heal? If I decide to marry again, what do I have to do?

The Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland offers its First Step Program to help individuals deal with these questions in order to renew and/or strengthen their relationship with God and the Church. This program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic teaching regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Representatives from the Ministry to the Divorced Office of the Department for Marriage and Family Ministry will also be present to explain the resources they offer to the divorced. The participants attend the general meeting, and follow-up with their procurator to submit the case. For more information see the Tribunal website ( or call Lynette Tait at the Tribunal: 216-696-6525/800-869-6525, ext. 4000.

Note that the Diocese of Cleveland no longer requires any fees for this process.

Fr. James P. Schmitz