St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for October 1, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

Congratulations to Tom & Lorraine Vetrick as we welcome their son Mason into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism. May he know the personal love of God his Savior as he is washed clean in the waters of baptism.

Thanks to John & Jeannie Sabol who have arranged our vestibule display to show pictures from our Preschool over the years. Our Preschool children are now in the main school building instead of on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center, where we hope they can take advantage of the gym, cafeteria and other amenities of our school building.

Eucharistic Ministers who bring Holy Communion to the sick are asked to request a prayer card that they can use when taking the Eucharist to people in their homes, hospital or nursing facilities. It’s a simple rite which helps to connect their reception of Holy Communion to the liturgy of the Church. You can request one from the Mass Coordinator or from myself or Deacon Pat or Joan Berigan.

This past Tuesday would have been Michaela’s 11th birthday. So I thought I would include this cartoon picture which shows why all dogs can go to heaven, and not just “Saint” Bernards.