St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for September 24, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

As part of our 75th Parish Anniversary, we wanted to have an “Open House” for the parish community so that you may see all the work we have done in recent years to responsibly use your donations (both weekly contributions as well as to the Capital Improvement Fund), for the maintenance and upkeep of our parish buildings. So after our 8am and 11am Masses, you are welcomed and encouraged to walk through our school building, Parish Center (the old convent building) and even the rectory. Refreshments will be available in both the school building & rectory, so please help yourself. On the first floor of the rectory, you can see our rectory office, the offices for myself and the Berigan’s, as well as our living room, dining room and kitchen. Feel free to take a seat somewhere as you enjoy something to eat or drink. On the 2nd floor of the rectory you will find our conference room, a couple of guest suites and my suite at the end of the hallway. Again, please make yourself at home.

This week the Church will celebrate the feast of St. Vincent de Paul on Wednesday. Of course we have a shrine to him in the back of the church & baskets for food items that people bring for those in need. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who are involved in our St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Ministry and who work to provide food for people in our own neighborhood who are in need. This ministry is under the leadership of Bernadine Vance, who has been with SVDP for many, many years. So our gratitude to her and to all those who assist her. Remember too that the collection taken up during Mass on civil holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day & Thanksgiving) are given toward this ministry. And thanks to all of you who contribute to this work through donations to our SVDP boxes at the doors of the church.

We are always looking for people willing to offer some of their time for the good of our parish and parish school. If you have time on your hands that you’re willing to donate, or if you have a particular gift you think might be helpful to us, please don’t ever hesitate to say, “Here’s what I’ve got (big or small)…how can I help?” Please don’t wait for us to ask you as we often don’t know of someone’s time or abilities, so feel free to approach myself, Deacon Pat or Joan, our Office Manager, Nina Capone, our Principal, Mrs. Burns, or anyone else whom you think may be able to assist you. It will be a gift to us as well as to yourself to get involved.

Last week I wrote about a serious health issue that Michaela was facing and now I have to tell you that she is no longer with us. One week after she was drained of excess fluid in her abdomen, she was filled up again. I asked Mickey Stitt, our Music Director and Kayla’s “Granny”, to go with me to the vet so we can talk about her condition with the veterinarian. We all determined that it was best not to have Michaela go on as she was as she would need to be drained weekly which meant she’d have only 1 or 2 days a week of feeling better. The condition (caused by liver failure) also made her disinterested in going for a walk, which she always loved to do. I can’t really say more because it still makes me very emotional so I’ll just say thank you for your concern for both her and for me. She was such a part of so many of my daily routines, from first thing in the morning until last thing at night. Those of you with pets already know the pain their absence brings. I am glad to still have 15 year old Abby to sit on my lap…it’s good to have someone to come home to. Michaela was my 3rd and final dog and I thank God for the almost 11 years I had her (her 11th birthday would have been this Tuesday). I gave her back to God with deep sorrow but also with deep gratitude.

Fr. James P. Schmitz