St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for April 30, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

As I type this column in my office, I have a space heater blowing on HI about 2 feet from me (and from my feet). And I’m betting that you wish you had a space heater that close to you if you are reading this in our church. I must apologize for forgetting from one year to the next that it can (and does) still get very cold during the month of April. But having an aversion to hot days, as soon as it hits 80° (as it has a couple of times earlier this month), I ask maintenance to turn off the boilers and to “fire up” the air conditioners in the church. Big mistake. I have already made a note to myself for next year not to turn off the boilers in the church at least until May, so that you may not have to suffer year after year. For my penance, I am also very cold here in the rectory during this unseasonably cold April so hopefully this will make up somewhat for my sin.

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Robin Meadows as we celebrated her Funeral Mass last Friday. Robin was very close to her daughter Brittany and strove to be faithful to God as she attended Mass and had a devotion to St. Rita. May she rest in the peace of the Risen Lord.

We also celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial for Fred Hadacek last Saturday. I remember his brother Joe very well who also died suddenly last June. I also had the funeral for their sister Helen (known as “Dolly”) back in 2018. Fred was uncle and great uncle to many people and was married to Eileen for 42 years. Fred was a “living historian” and really enjoyed being part of enactments of the American Revolutionary War & of the French Indian War. He had a devotion to St. Francis of Assisi so we pray for his intercession as we commend Freddy to God.

Congratulations to the parents of Ashlee Schrippa & Matthew Smith who were wedded here last Saturday. May they know and reveal the love of God to each other and enjoy a long and happy marriage.

Congratulations also to Aaron Horak who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 4pm Saturday Mass this weekend. We pray that the Catholic faith will continue to grow within him as he completes the Sacraments of Initiation.

Deacon Pat and Joan & I will be having dinner with Father Dennis O’Grady this week and we will be sure to tell him of your thoughts & prayers. We remain grateful for the many years he celebrated Mass with us here at St. Leo’s and pray that God may help him to enjoy his retirement years.

The ushers (whose ministry we appreciate) try to invite people to bring up the offertory gifts of bread & water & wine, especially those who are having that Mass offered in memory of someone. But sometimes those people who scheduled the Mass intention are not able to be present with us so if you would like to be asked to bring up the gifts, please let an usher know & they will be happy to invite you to do so when needed.

We continue to see many people coming to the talks on Tuesday & Friday evenings in our parish center from 7-8pm. They are given by a team of 5 people…a priest, a married couple & two seminarians…who share their experiences of suffering in order to witness how their faith has really helped them during these times and continues to sustain them and bring them joy. Their purpose in doing this is help develop a small community (or several) within the larger parish community so that people may know that they are loved and cared for, especially when they need the support of others in faith. Please consider joining us & pray for those who already have.

Fr. JamesP. Schmitz