St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for September 18, 2022

I anointed Theresa Kowal, mother Anthony, Joe, & Kathy Kowal (Joe & Kathy are from our parish) back in July. We celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial for her on Friday, September 9th. I visited her in the home she lived in for many years. She was a very devout Catholic and proof of that was found in a letter she wrote to her grandson when he graduated from elementary school: “Don’t forget who you are—a Christian. Live up to those standards that you were brought up with. Christ is always there for you when you need him. Talk to him. I’m always talking to him and the saints.” We pray that Theresa will be able now to talk to Christ in person, and to her fellow saints. May she rest in God’s peace.

Our first Faith Formation Session last Sunday went very well for the young people in our parish who do not attend our parish school or who are preparing for the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation this year. We are grateful to their parents for living out the promise they made at the baptism of their children to raise them in the practice of the faith. They will be attending these conversational gatherings in the Parish Center three Sundays a month from 9:30am until 10:45am, and then will be joining us for the 11am Mass (unless they attend the 8am Mass instead). If you have children whom you would like to participate in these sessions, please call the rectory office. Since this is “Catechetical Sunday,” at the 11am Mass, we will be asking God’s blessings on those in our parish who teach and pass on our Catholic Faith to the young people of our parish. We are grateful for their response to the call of Jesus to “preach the gospel to all.” 

Congratulations to the parents of James Martini who will be baptized this weekend after the 11am Mass. May he too come to know the love of Christ through the parents who have given him life. 

Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life after the tragedy of divorce is an area that can impact a person’s relationship with God and the Church. One of the significant issues that a person faces is their place in the Church. Does the Church still care about me even though I am divorced? Am I allowed to go to Mass? Can I receive communion? How can the Church help me heal? If I decide to marry again, what do I have to do? The Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland offers its First Step Program to help individuals deal with these questions in order to renew and/or strengthen their relationship with God and the Church. The Tribunal is pleased to be able to assist those in need of a declaration of invalidity of a marriage. We now have specially-trained ministers, called Case Specialists, to assist people with their cases. The participants attend a general meeting and follow-up with a Case Specialist to submit the case. This program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic teaching regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage. In any endeavor, taking the “first step” is always the most difficult. The First Step Program helps individuals to navigate the path of healing and closure. The participants attend the general meeting, and follow-up with their procurator to submit the case. For more information see Tribunal website. Note that the Diocese of Cleveland no longer requires any fees for this process. The next First Step Program will be held on Tuesday, 27 September 2022, at St. Ambrose Parish, Brunswick, at 7:00 pm. For more information call Lynette Tait at the Tribunal: 216-696-6525/800-869-6525, ext. 4000.