St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for August 21, 2022

Marie Stankiewicz was a member of our parish and also a member of the St. Leo Seniors Group, so we were happy to have some of them attend her funeral Mass on Monday, August 15th. It was “coincidental” (or in my mind, providential), that she whose favorite day of the year was the feast of the Assumption of Mary, should have had her funeral celebrated on that very day. Marie grew up in Little Italy & so attended the feast there every year. We prayed that Mary, assumed into heaven body & soul, would pray for Marie so that she too may enjoy someday the bodily resurrection. I remembered & prayed for Marie while attending the feast last Sunday. Marie, known affectionately as “Mimi” to her many grandchildren & great-grandchildren, was devoted not only to the Blessed Virgin Mary but also to St. Francis. May their intercession help win for her the crown of eternal life. 

Thank you for your feedback on the more comfortable temperature in the church after we raised the thermostat since some felt it was too cold in the church when the air conditioning was on. I do listen to and appreciate your feedback. It seems that we have hit a comfortable setting so continue to let me know if it’s too cold or too hot for you, whether in summer or winter.

In our chapel area, above the altar, you will see a beautiful icon of the “Mystical Supper” which was bought by parishioner Allen Morinec when we were in the Holy Land. I bought the exact same one only smaller for myself. It compliments the icon of the Holy Family which is placed on the bottom of that same altar. The pilgrims to the Holy Land will be having a Mass in that chapel area on Tuesday, September 6th at 6pm, and then will enjoy something to eat in the rectory as we continue to share memories & pictures from our trip. Thanks to Allen for his generous gift to the parish which will be appreciated especially by those who gather in that space for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of every month. A reminder that pictures from our trip can be seen on our website at

We will keep adding more fliers or brochures to the tables in the church for the trip to Italy in March of 2023. I wanted to add this note about travel insurance from Nawas International Travel, the company who is organizing that trip for us: “NAWAS strongly encourages all guests to purchase a Travel Protection Plan which should, at minimum, cover Trip Cancellation or Interruption, Medical Expense, Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation, and Baggage. If anyone is interested in purchasing a travel protection plan through AON Affinity, you will need to do so within 14 days after we process your deposit and registration in order to be covered for preexisting conditions or to have the opportunity to purchase a Cancel for Any Reason upgrade. AON Affinity is now web-based which means you can review the policy coverage and purchase the Travel Protection Plan online at: Should anyone have any questions, please contact AON directly at 800-509-6056.

I look forward to joining you for the Parish Picnic which will be this weekend, Sunday, August 21st, from Noon to 2pm in the shrine area of the property (weather-permitting) or in Lux Hall if it is raining. It is always good to enjoy the company of fellow parishioners, especially those you may not see or know if they attend a different weekend Mass. Thanks in advance to all those who have helped to prepare for this gathering.