St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for April 17, 2022

I want to welcome all of those who will be joining us today for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection. I offer these words to faithful parishioners, to guests and to those who have not joined us recently for the celebration of Mass. Last weekend, on Palm Sunday, I told the story of a priest who was from Youngstown, Ohio but was sent to Germany by his bishop to study for the priesthood. He was ordained in Germany and just a few weeks later made plans to come back to the United States by getting a ticket for the maiden voyage of the Titanic. He asked for permission to celebrate daily Mass while onboard the great ship but permission was denied. He then made plans to return to the States via another ship. When he arrived in New York City, he learned that the Titanic had sunk and so his life was spared. He celebrated his first Mass in the United States at St. Patrick Cathedral, praying for the people who died on the Titanic. He was then assigned to St. Bernard Parish in Akron, Ohio. I shared this story because there are still some people today who cannot attend Mass due to the availability of priests or due to persecution. And yet we live in a country where the Mass is always accessible to us, though sometimes we fail to take advantage of this great gift. Each Mass is like a little Easter because we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus at every liturgy we participate in. So I invite all of you to accept the great gift of the Mass and to make use of it, the most powerful prayer of the Church, whenever you can. This is not only an obligation (according to the commandment to keep holy the Sabbath), but should be a great joy as God speaks to us and shares his very life with us when we receive the very real Body of Christ. Every saint in heaven was devoted to the Mass and used it as the primary way to God. So welcome to all of you, especially to those who have not been with us for a while, and know that we hope you will be with us each week to receive with us the greatest sign of God’s love.

I want to also offer a special welcome to Kristi Burkhart for whom we prayed during the 11am Mass during Lent as she is baptized at the Easter Vigil this weekend, along with thousands of others who are receiving baptism and the other sacraments of initiation, namely Confirmation and Eucharist. We also welcome into our Catholic Faith those who were baptized in another Christian Tradition but who are now confirmed as Catholics and make partakers of the Holy Eucharist: Nichole Kirk, Amelia Morchak, and Jay Warner. May they, who have longed to receive the gift of the Eucharist, be given a generous share of the grace of the Holy Spirit as they continue their journey of faith in the Catholic Family. Welcome to all of you!

We congratulate the parents of Grace Kupchella who is also being baptized on this Easter Sunday. From infants to adults, we rejoice in all those throughout the world who are being brought into the Church today.

Our rectory office will be closed this Monday as our staff continues to celebrate Easter with their families and there will be no Masses this week as I take a few days away. Deacon Pat will offer a Communion Service however Tuesday through Friday at 8:30am, and like weekday Mass, this will be livestreamed via our website.