St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for November 20, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Two people from the parish died while I was away. The first was Audrey Andrzejewski, who was 87 years old & beloved wife of the late Joseph. They had 4 children, 3 grandchildren & 2 greatgrandchildren. Her funeral was celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo. May she rest in God’s peace with her husband.

A funeral was celebrated at St. Leo’s for Armand Venditti, who died just 3 days shy of his 102nd birthday. I celebrated the funeral Mass for his wife Mary Lou several years ago, and have publicly announced Armand’s birthday when he turned 100 and then 101. He and Mary Lou had six children & several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Armand was a World War II U.S. Army Air Corps Veteran. I’d like to add this information from his obituary since he and his wife were such active members of our parish for many years: “He had a smile for everyone, and when asked how he was doing, his response was “Never Better!”. He lived a life of deep and unshakable faith, which allowed him to lead his family through the best and worst of times. Armand was devoted in marriage to Mary Lou for almost 75 years. Together they built a life of enduring love and faith. They were long-time active parishioners of St. Leo the Great Church and made many cherished life-long friends there. He spent many years making the Easter Paschal candle and was chairman of many events and committees. Armand enjoyed gardening, golfing, building 3-D puzzles, spending time on his computer, and cooking for his family. His chicken livers were nearly world famous. He spent the past 18 months in independent living at Vitalia Rockside in Seven Hills and made many friendships with the staff and residents. Armand was a sales engineer and retired from SKRL Tool & Die at the age of 70.” May Armand and Mary Lou live forever in the joy of the resurrection.

This weekend we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, which is always on the last Sunday of the liturgical year. That means that next weekend, we begin a new liturgical year with the first Sunday of Advent, which of course prepares us for the 2nd coming of Christ at the end of our lives/world as well as for the celebration of Christ’s first coming when he was born among us. Let us wait for him actively, not passively, but doing all we can to work with his grace in accepting the gift of salvation God has offered to us.

There will be a holy hour this Sunday evening (November 20th) in memory of all the deceased from our parish, especially those who died since this time last year. Please join us in the church as we pray for these souls as they are purified by God to made worthy of a share in his heavenly kingdom. The prayer will begin at 6pm.

Please join us as well for our 9am Mass on Thanksgiving morning in preparation for our time spent with family and friends over a Thanksgiving meal. The rectory office will be closed not only on Thursday but Friday as well, though there will be an 8:30am Mass celebrated on Friday morning.

Unfortunately I was away during our celebration of our patronal feast of St. Leo the Great, which is held on November 10th each year. But I join with you in asking for him for his prayerful intercession on our parish community, especially as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary this year. Be sure to keep an eye on the display case in the vestibule of the church where we will keep rotating pictures taken on Sunday, October 9th, when the Bishop was here for the 11am Mass & for the reception in Lux Hall afterward.