St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for June 6, 2021

Our Memorial Day Mass at our Marian Shrine worked out very well last Monday. Though it was early in the day (9am), and only about 60 degrees, there was no wind so it was quite comfortable, though people brought jackets just in case. We had a nice group of people there & I wanted to let you know that besides some benches that are always there, we have chairs available in the Parish Center which we can use if you are unable to bring one yourself. We have a wireless microphone & speaker setup so everyone could hear well over the 480 traffic so plan on having more civil holiday Masses out there in the future, especially for the July 4th & Labor Day Masses when we can expect warm weather. We are even able to live-stream the liturgy outside so you can always join us remotely if that works better for you, but of course there’s nothing like actually being there.

As of this past week, all COVID restrictions put in place well over a year ago have been lifted, with the exception of receiving the Blood of Christ through the Communion Cup (but as you know we receive the full presence of Christ through the sacred host alone). Though masks are no longer required, they will remain available at the doors of the church for those who wish to wear them, and we will respect your choice to do so. The pews that were taped off have been cleaned of the dust they collected & so you may sit wherever you wish. The cry room is now opened again as well. While we will have the Sign of Peace, it is recommended that you shake hands only with the people of your own family or household, which isn’t a bad practice anyway during cold & flu season. New music books have been ordered & we hope to have them back in the pews soon but by all means, sing away if you know the words to the songs we will be using. We continue to remember & pray for all those who did not escape the effects of COVID. Thank you again for your wonderful cooperation during the time of restrictions and especially for your continued financial contributions, which are always very much appreciated so that we can continue our mission as a community of faith. Welcome back to all those who are joining us again, and please spread the word to those who are sick or homebound that live-streaming of our liturgies will remain in place for those who can’t be with us physically for any reason.

We welcome Bailey Milcinovic who has been teaching in our Preschool this past year but has also been updating our Facebook, Twitter & Instagram accounts. She will now be in charge of updating & publishing our parish bulletin each week so her name and email address can be found on the front cover of the bulletin under the title of Social Media Manager. We welcome and encourage you to send her any pictures and/or videos you have taken at parish or school events so that they may be shared through our social media. As we thank Mary Lou Hauck for her work as Office Manager these past few years, we also thank Betty Clancy, Mary Lynn Haldi, Amy Mackey & Cindy Kosiba, all of whom will be sharing the responsibility of answering phones and taking care of those who come to our rectory office.

Congratulations to Nara Lin Elizabeth Manson who will be receiving her First Communion this weekend & Congratulations to the parents of Logan Kirby who will be baptized on Sunday. May God continue to bless us all.