St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Blog for May 24, 2020

Though the rectory office has been closed and my ministry has been confined to what I am able to do here in the office and church, many staff members have continued to spend a lot of time trying to deal with the effects of the pandemic, including discussing and planning ways we can begin to welcome people back to Mass. It can feel quite overwhelming at times, but I’m so grateful for the dedicated and sincere rectory and school staff who have worked hard despite not always being able to be present on the property during this time.

I am especially grateful to the Principal, Mrs. Denise Burns, who works very hard, either here in the school office or at home, for the good of our teachers and students. I am also grateful to all of our school teachers who continue to teach using the technology available to them to reach into the homes of our school children. It hasn’t been easy for them but they have persevered and have adapted so well. I miss seeing our school children and am especially saddened to know that I will not see them again until the fall, at the earliest, though I hope to see some of them in church during the summer. The eighth graders will be here this week to receive their diplomas but without the normal fanfare and social gathering that celebrates their time with us at St. Leo’s. They will be photographed and put on a video that will be shared with their families but it certainly will not be the same. I congratulate them and wish them well as they begin their high school journeys. 

A reminder that our first public Mass will be on Monday, May 25th, as we celebrate Memorial Day. Mass will be at 9am but please feel free to come early as we try to give everyone directions for Mass. Everyone will need to wear a mask which we are providing and we ask that you keep 6 feet between you/your family and the next persons or family in front of or behind you, and to your right & left. Please follow the directions of our maintenance staff who will all be wearing masks & gloves. I will review procedures before Mass begins. We will have daily Mass (or a Communion Service on Thursdays) at 8:30am instead of 7:30am to give us the time we need to adjust to these new directives. Every parish household will be receiving a letter from me this week offering more information for our first weekend liturgies May 30th & 31st. 

Our rectory office will re-open Monday through Friday this week from 9am until 3pm and will be open Saturday & Sunday (but the information desk in the church vestibule will be closed). Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing many of you again, but please know that the dispensation from Mass remains in effect until further notice. 

As we all became more conscious of the need to remain healthy during this pandemic, I have especially needed to put more effort into trying to control my diabetes which has worsened over the years. So I started a regimen of increased walking, ”intermittent fasting” and increased medications from my endocrinologist. Being able to lose 35 pounds since the beginning of the year has put me back in control of this progressive disease. I’m still 60 pounds heavier than I was when ordained but much healthier than last year. Still waiting for the return of our coffee & donuts though.