St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Blog for March 15, 2020

Since the common wisdom regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) issue had been the normal precautions for the common flu (washing hands often, avoid touching face, etc.), I have not written about it here until now. However having just received a letter from the Diocese regarding the latest news and liturgical guidelines, I will outline that information here.

First, we are instructed that all priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are to wash their hands with soap and water prior to the celebration of Mass. A hand sanitizer may be used prior to the distribution of Holy Communion (this is our common practice anyway here at St. Leo’s). All Communion ministers should again wash their hands after the distribution of Holy Communion (you may use the restrooms in the vestibule of the church to do this or the one in the sacristy or the sacristy/server’s room sink).

The distribution of the Precious Blood to liturgical ministers and the faithful is to be suspended. As Catholics, our faith informs us that the whole Christ, that is his Body and Blood, is present when only the host is received. So we will not offer the cup at Mass until further notice from the Diocese that it is permissible to do that.

The invitation to the Sign of Peace, although a regular part of our liturgical practice, is always an option. Therefore at that point in the Mass, after the priest says, “The peace of the Lord be with you always,” and you respond, “And with your spirit,” the priest will simply invite you to turn and simply gesture the sign of peace to those around you, which means that you can just offer a wave of your hand or a bow of your head to those around you. I would also advise that you do not hold hands during the Our Father if that is your custom or shake hands when you greet people before or after Mass. That may be a hard habit to break but we can adjust if we are conscientious.

Finally, we are instructed to empty our holy water fonts and baptismal fonts (after we just got ours fixed!) so you will notice that these will be drained.

And of course we will be offering a weekly intention for the prevention of the virus and for those affected during the “Universal Prayer” or the petitions after the Apostles Creed (which we use during Lent & Easter).

A small reminder that there will be a video shown in the Parish Community Center after the 8am Mass this Sunday and next. See the bulletin or Deacon Pat or Joan Berigan for more information.

As previously announced, we will be offering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during the homily time at the 4pm Mass this weekend. We offered it during the 11am Mass last Sunday & will do the same at the 8am Mass next week. Of course you are encouraged to ask me for that at any time you feel a need for it.

Our Fish Fry’s are going great so far. Remember to join us (we take credit cards now too!). And don’t forget about our Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 7pm. No credit card needed.