St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Blog for January 5, 2020

Welcome to 2020! It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of a new millennium in the year 2000, and now we are 20 years past that & beginning a third decade since then. Are things better now than they were then? Of course we had cell phones back then but not iPhones or iPads or many of the other technology screens that we have now...both for better and for worse I suppose. Is the world a better place? It’s hard to judge history in such a short span of time. But the most important question is this: has our faith grown over the years? All I know for sure is that God has never left us, and if we have left him from time to time, he is always willing to take us back. Let us begin this new decade, this new year, this new month, with thoughts of God’s love and mercy.

Last week I thanked the musicians who allowed us to raise our minds, hearts and voices to God in praise this Christmas Season. Now I turn to those who have once again made our church so beautiful with the Christmas decorations. It’s a lot of work, and they do it so well. I am grateful for all of our liturgical ministers who serve generously throughout the year: the Mass coordinators who setup and clean up for each Mass, the altar servers, ushers, lectors, eucharistic min- isters, and maintenance people who keep our church clean.

On December 19th we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial for Gail Bresnahan. I had Gail’s husband’s funeral Mass in 2018. This is what was said of Gail in her obituary: “Known for her spunk and her faith, Gail Bresnahan will be remembered as a Hallmark watching, grandchildren-loving individual who was never afraid to speak her mind. Thanks to her dedicated spirit to stand up for the things and people she loved. Hoping now to spend eternity with her husband, Gail will now live a life of peace together with God and Mary, who she revered so dearly. Her time on earth will be remembered by all those she touched.” Beautiful words. May she rest in peace.

I was sad to hear of the passing of another parishioner named Kathleen Weitzman. Kathy lived in Broadview Gardens with her daughter and she was a true person of faith. Since she had no family other than her daughter, services were private. But we will offer Mass for her and pray for the response of her soul.

We have two weddings this week: On Friday, Marcos Gonzalez & Eirelys (Stefany) Ydrogo, and on Saturday Becky Caraballo & Marvin Beavers IV. Congratulations to both couples! May they be blessed in this new year and in their new lives together.

When I was away, Fr. O’Grady and Deacon Pat gave a blessing to a couple who were the last ones married in our old church on December 20, 1969, just 4 days from when the first Mass would be celebrated in the new church on December 24th. I was happy to meet them at one of the Christmas Masses so I wanted to congratulate Russ & Linda Fisher on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. May they find new joy as they begin their 51st year of marriage.