St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Blog for May 5, 2019

Mary Hodolic had been at Broadview MultiCare Nursing Home for about 3 years. I was able to anoint her and talk to her before she died and I know that her Catholic faith was very important to her so I trust she found comfort in the Sacrament of the Sick & in the prayers of the Church. We express our condolences to her daughter Donna Sabatine and her husband Phil who cared for Mary lovingly. Mary was 93 years old. May she now enter that experience of life that is not measured in time but which lasts forever in God’s pres- ence.

Congratulations to all of our 2nd graders who are making their First Holy Communion this Saturday (May 4th) during the 4pm Mass. We try to stress to them the importance not only of their first reception of the Sacrament but on the many times they will be able to receive the Eucharist throughout their lives. I am very grateful to all who prepared them so well for this day, especially their teachers, our principal & PSR director, and all who model for them the ways of faith.

Congratulations also to the parents of Vincent Bigam who is being baptized Sunday. It’s always a joy to welcome these little ones into our Catholic family. We pray that their parents may be an example of faith to him.

I’m writing this on May 1st, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I told the people at the 7:30 Mass this morning that it’s my brother’s 60th Birthday. He was given the middle name of Joseph because he was born on the saint’s feast day, and it’s interesting that my brother has a talent for carpentry. I was happy to wish him a happy 60th, but it’s also a reminder that I’m next to cross that threshold (next year). I did tell my brother that 60 is the new 50, or maybe even the new 40. If that’s true, then I’m not even over the hill yet. I can talk myself into anything. It’s strange that I know people who today are celebrating their 50th, 60th & 70th birthday. Strange how that happens. But here’s a shoutout to my brother...Happy Birthday to the first born.

Father Vesely will be here for the 4pm Mass next Satur- day, May 11th so I’m sure it will be good to see him again. I know it is always a joy for him to see you. Now that Lent & Easter & Confirmation & First Communion are behind us, I have a chance to get away for a few days so I won’t be with you next weekend but I too always enjoy coming home after a little respite. Thank you for making it a joy to be here with you.

Since I won’t be here next Sunday, let me take a moment now to wish all of the women of our parish a Happy Mother’s Day. If you’re blessed to have your mom still with you, be sure to let her know how significant she has been in your life. If like me, your mom has already preceded us in death, you can still thank them for leaving behind the good memories we have of them. During this month of May, we ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us now and at the hour of death.