St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column for June 17, 2018

We welcome Raelynn Hope Molloy who entered into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism last Sunday, and Amelia Mendez who is being baptized this Sunday. May they grow in the knowledge of God’s love.

I wanted to let you know that as of May 31st, the Catholic Charities Appeal raised $11,102,800.00 from 41,362 donors in the Diocese of Cleveland. Here at St. Leo’s, $60,937.00 was pledged by our own parishioners which is 98.5% of the goal given us. Thank you so much for coming to the aid of so many in need.

I was so saddened by the news that the predominately Catholic country of Ireland recently voted in favor of legalized abortion. I know that unwanted pregnancies can be so difficult for people who are not prepared or able to care for a child but there are also options available (like adoption) which can and should be seriously and prayerfully considered. We must pray that people be open to the grace of God who alone can change minds and hearts. I am proud of the fact that here at St. Leo’s, we help those who need prenatal & maternal care through places like Providence House, Maggie’s Place, & Womankind which we donate to during Advent & Lent. Thank you for recognizing the dignity of all God’s children.

One night last week I was awoken by some ruckus and Abby’s screams in my living room. Abby nose to nose with a raccoon (though gratefully there was a glass window between them). The raccoon climbed on the roof of the garage which is right outside my living room window. I was surprised that the sight of Abby did not scare it away though I was not surprised that Abby was not at all intimidated by the raccoon (as Michaela & I were!). Gratefully it went away & I haven’t seen it since though we did have a company out called “Catch a Critter” who reminded me that raccoons carry rabies & that I should be careful of getting near one. Did he really think I had to be warned about that? I was also made aware that a coyote has been seen in the area as well and while they look an awful lot like dogs, they aren’t quite as tame as Ms. Michaela so I will keep my distance from them as well. We have also spotted skunks on the property. I admit I am prejudiced against certain critters even though God made them all. But some are meant to be looked at from a distance.

My dad and his wife just celebrated 12 years of marriage last Sunday and both are doing quite well. As I wish my dad a Happy Father’s Day, I also extend the same to all the men of the parish who live or act as a father to others, including Father Vesely, who was so happy to be here a couple weeks ago. We look forward to his visit again next month. We also remember our deceased fathers and grandpa’s and ask God to show them his loving kindness.