Pastor's Blog for December 23, 2018

Since we don’t have a separate bulletin for Christmas Day, allow this Fourth Sunday of Advent bulletin to double as our Christmas bulletin. With that in mind, I want to welcome all who will be with us on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Whether you are a regular at St. Leo’s or not, we are so glad you are here! God’s love and mercy is extended to all. Indeed, that is the very message of this great feast. As the priest pours a drop of water into the wine that has been poured into the chalice at the Preparation of the Gifts (the “offertory”) at every Mass, he prays “Through the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled him- self to share in our humanity.” So we remember this great mystery of the “Incarnation,” God’s coming in the flesh to share fully in our human nature. On behalf of Deacon Pat & Joan Berigan and in the name of Fr. Vesely, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. And the parish wishes Fr. Vesely a happy belated 64th Anniversary of his ordination which we celebrated on December 18th.

As I type this on the Monday of the week before Christmas, I am preparing to watch the Nativity Play put on by the Kindergarten children of our Parish School. There is such joy in watching them act out this incredible story as they show in such a simple way the profound mystery of this feast. I also look forward to the School Christmas concert where we can enjoy the sacred music of this season.

What I do not enjoy, however, is the blue sky and warm weather that is evident outside of my office window right now. I know that some of you Grinches will rejoice in the absence of the white stuff that usually falls from the heavens at this time of year. But not me. While I am done with winter by February or March at the latest, I still remember the snowy days of my childhood which meant we stayed home from school, went sledding down hills & got away with throwing snowballs at our enemies under the ruse of just having some innocent winter fun. Of course I have no idea if we will be blessed with a white Christmas when you read this, but you can be sure that I’ll be praying hard for one while you pray for spring. We’ll see who’s prayers the Lord listens too!

Once again we want you to go home on Christmas with the gift of a book that I’ve read & enjoyed. I’m sure that God will speak to you through it too so read it with your eyes & listen to it with your heart.