St. Leo the Great

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Homily...Love is a Verb

At most weddings I preside at, today’s reading from Corinthians, Chapter 13, is usually chosen by the couple. It is a well-known and beautiful passage from scripture about love, though it’s not really the kind of love that people seem to talk about today. We often equate love with romance. And some love is romantic. But it’s not the kind of love that St. Paul is talking about here.

St. Paul’s idea of love has little to do with emotions or feelings. For him, love is not a feeling but an action, a verb. It is patience. It is kindness. It is respect. It is not rudeness or anger or arrogance. 

We can help someone out even if we’re tired. We can respect someone even if we’re angry. We can do something meaningful even if we’re bored. Next week is our Catholic Charities Appeal. We don’t have to feel generous to make a pledge. We don't have to feel compassion to decide we’re going to help someone. We only need to do what is good for the other person…for that is love.