St. Leo the Great

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Homily Thought for March 1…The Beatific Vision

Jesus is “Transfigured”…there is a light coming forth from him that his clothes look “dazzling white.” Whiter than bleach. Peter, James & John are awestruck by the beauty of his glory.

Think of the beauty you have seen…a sunset or sunrise, the blueness of ocean water, a work of art, a person you find attractive. Or beauty you don’t see but experience…a letter from someone, a friendship that is deep.

All of these are but dim reflections of the Beauty of God. St. Augustine said, “Too late have I loved you, O Beauty ever Ancient, ever New. Too late have I loved you!” Heaven has been called the “Beatific Vision,” seeing the beauty of God face to face. This is why we do Lent, why we pray, fast & give alms. In the hope that we may grow even now, with the ability to see the beauty of God in Him and in our neighbor.