St. Leo the Great

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Homily...The Alpha & the Omega (A to Z)

Christ says in the book of Revelation, "I am the Alpha & the Omega." These 2 Greek letters are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In saying that he is the "first and the last," Jesus identifies himself as the totality of all that is. As King, he has dominion, which means that he dominates everything that exists. 

Is Jesus really the first and the last in our life today? Does he rule our life, or is he only a part of it, maybe even a very small part of it? Does the thought of Jesus dominate our life? When we plan our weekend or our Sunday, is our attendance at Mass at the top of the list or at the bottom, if it even makes the list at all? Is God the first person we speak to when we awake & the last one we speak to before we sleep? 

What does it mean to put Christ first, to allow our relationship with God to sum up the totality of our life? Why should these questions be important? Not only because Christ IS King & does in fact have dominion over all that is, but because WE seem to be at the center of God's life. Would Christ have died for us, given his very life for us, if we were not everything to him