St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column, September 28, 2014

I had some wonderful experiences when I was away, having had the opportunity to visit both Corinth & Ephesus where St. Paul lived & preached the gospel to the first Christian communities. He also wrote the letters to the Corinthians & Ephesians which of course are now part of Sacred Scripture. It was a real grace to be able to stand where he preached, to walk the roads he walked and to see the place where he was put on trial. I hope to share some of those visits with you in my own preaching of the Gospel. But I am also blessed to be able to come back to the place I call home & to be with the people I am privileged to serve. I’m sure the priests who were here in my absence enjoyed praying with you. Thank you for your hospitality toward them.

This Sunday I will be baptizing two children: Mia Samoylicz & Lillian Ring. It strikes me that 2000 years after St. Paul, we continue to do what he did in obeying the command of Jesus in the Gospel to “baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” The gift of faith is received and passed on from one generation to the next. Welcome Mia & Lillian!

Please offer a prayer for Carol McGrath who was a member of our parish. I offered a prayer service for her at Holy Cross Cemetery this past Friday. May she rest in God’s embrace.

We had a Mass with all the PSR students last Monday as they begin another year of religious education. We are grateful that their parents are fulfilling the promise they made at the time of their baptism to “raise these children in the practice of the faith.” That means providing for their religious education but it also means bringing them to church where they can encounter Christ in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist. Please pray for all the children in our parish that they may receive from their parents the example of faith which will enrich their lives. And many thanks to our parishioners willing to teach the faith as catechists. May God reward their sacrifice and ministry!

Finally, some quick reminders: our first RCIA session will be this Wednesday, October 1st, from 7-8:30 in the Parish Center. Come if you’re interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, even if you’re already Catholic! This Friday we have Eucharistic Devotion from 9am until 5pm. And this Saturday, October 4th, is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. We will have the Blessing of Pets at 10:00am either at the outdoor shrine by the Parish Center (weather-permitting) or in Lux Hall. Michaela & Abby will show your pets the way!