St. Leo the Great

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Pastor's Column, August 17, 2014

Last Sunday before the 8am Mass, I began to experience some discomfort due to the familiar pain of kidney stones. A few weeks ago I had a procedure (lithotripsy) which blasted the stones & it was mostly successful but not completely. Last week my doctor told me what to expect, but of course he couldn’t have predicted it would happen on a Sunday morning. Now by the 10am Mass, everything was back to normal and I am now free of the problem. When I see the doctor this week, I hope he can tell me what foods I need to avoid but he has told me in the past that some people are just prone to this medical condition. Personally I think it’s caused by vegetables. Anyway, thanks for your concern & prayers. But I am well again & plan to stay that way.

We welcome Lennox Walsh into our Catholic family as she is baptized after the Noon Mass this weekend. It’s a blessing to have so many children added to our parish community.

Our cafeteria and school office have been painted and both look great. We also needed to change the florescent lights in the school building since we were using the older bulbs which were not only inefficient but which were getting difficult to replace when they burnt out since it used an older technology which is becoming obsolete. We worked with a company used by many parishes in the Diocese and decided to replace the lights where it was needed most, namely on the first floor, including the classrooms, hallways & cafeteria. The new LED bulbs are not only better for the children (less eye strain) but produce a much brighter light at a much lower cost. I’m sure you’ll notice the difference the next time you’re in the building.

One of the most important ministries in any Catholic parish is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It’s so central to the whole mission of the Church, which is the mission of each parish: to preach the Gospel and baptize those desiring to become Catholic. It’s what Jesus commanded us to do. Our RCIA process, which consists of weekly sessions that will begin October 1st, will take place Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center. So I ask two things of you: first, please invite any adult you know who may possibly be interested in becoming Catholic to call me (or I will be happy to call them). Second, please consider joining us as a team member. All that is required is that you be present when able at our weekly sessions & learn more about the beauty and treasure of our Catholic Faith. Please let me know if I can expect to see you!